Santa Monica Chapter, NSDAR
Santa Monica, CA

The Santa Monica Chapter, NSDAR, is actively involved in carrying out the objectives of the national society by promoting these three foundational precepts:

Patriotism  ~   Historic Preservation  ~   Education

We are committed to honoring our nation’s past by serving our communities today.



We participate annually in the following PATRIOTIC ANNIVERSARIES:

Independence Day – On the Fourth of July our chapter joins a local parade. Some members have dressed in period costumes and small flags have been given to children along the parade route. Join in this historic celebration to perpetuate the memory and spirit of the men and women who achieved American independence!

Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Every May, our chapter participates in a memorial service at a Santa Monica/Los Angeles cemetery.




The third Saturday of December is Wreaths Across America Day and every year we are honored to participate by placing evergreen wreaths on veterans' graves.  

Please support our effort to sponsor wreaths for the Los Angeles National Cemetery by purchasing a wreath for $17 on our Santa Monica Chapter Wreaths Across America website. With over 90,000 veterans buried at the cemetery, our chapter believes it is very important to remember and honor as many American heroes as we can on this special day!   If you'd like to make a grave-specific request with your sponsorship and donation, please contact us with all the details.

National Wreaths Across America Day is a free, non-political event, that honors and remembers our nations veterans who are laid to rest in 2500 different locations nationwide.  Contact your local cemetery for more information.



Project Patriot is a national DAR program focused on supporting military service personnel and their families at home and abroad. Each chapter is encouraged to participate in their own way, and every year our chapter members donate many items, including personally hand-knitted scarves, to Operation Gratitude for their care packages sent to active duty troops around the world.





Throughout the year, we support the veterans at the West Los Angeles VA Medical Center.  Along with volunteering, we donate many items during the year.  For example, during COVID we made Grateful Hearts kits with a mask, lip balm and flag pin.  Among the items most needed are: water, new socks, yoga pants, sweatpants and during our meetings we collect paperback backs, used stamps, and magazines.  If you wish to contribute, please contact us. If you are or know of a veteran who needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 Press 1, or confidential chat at or text 838255.


Each year our chapter, along with other DAR chapters in our district, participates in the Pamper Me Day Brunch at the West LA VA. Women veterans are treated to manicures, hair makeovers, gift baskets, garden hats, craft activity, music, and a lovely lunch.





50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War - In 2014, our chapter, became a partner with The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration.  The 50th anniversary commemoration period begun in 2015 and ending in 2025 directly corresponds to each year between 1965 and 1975, the inclusive dates U.S. combat troops were deployed in Vietnam.  Commemorative Partners serve as a representative of a grateful nation as we thank and honor a Vietnam veteran or family member. We are, in many ways, turning back the pages of history and righting a wrong for some of these veterans and families by simply saying “thank you for your service and sacrifice.”  If you are or know of a Vietnam War Veteran who would appreciate being honored, please contact us.  March 29 National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Other Events of Note: 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party - December 16, 2023
Boston Tea Party Quiz



Many of our monthly programs focus on history, especially women’s history. We have had programs on dresses and undergarments of the 1700s, women’s suffrage, the story behind the red poppy, the iconography of headstones, and many more.

AMERICA 250 – In July 2026, the United States will mark its 250th anniversary. In preparation for this historic event, our chapter is creating a portfolio of our members' patriots and highlighting them with a "patriot snapshot" on Our Patriot Ancestors page.



Supporting education has been a key tenet for the DAR following George Washington's farewell address injunction to "Promote then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge". With the proceeds from an endowment, our chapter annually supports the Kate Duncan Smith DAR School in Alabama.  Over the years, we have also donated to other schools across the United States and in Southern California. Additionally, our chapter annually holds contests and grants awards to deserving students or teachers. Please visit our contests and awards webpage for more information.  

The California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution (CSSDAR) recently developed a list of children's books on various historical topics.: September 11 - Patriots Day  Constitution Week


Through the DAR's National Educational Resources Committee, original lesson plans are provided on-line for the K-12 community that are rich in content focusing on America, its history, government, heritage, genealogy, as well as related language and/or math topics. These lesson plans are provided for teachers and other groups to use for educational purposes only and can be found on the Lesson Plan Webpage of the NSDAR website.


Since 1920, the NSDAR has published the DAR Manual For Citizenship. More than 12 million copies of this book were given free to immigrants seeking American citizenship. Now online, the manual continues to be useful for those studying to become citizens as well as for students learning about U.S. citizenship and immigration.  All across the country, DAR chapters participate in naturalization ceremonies for new citizens, providing flags, leaflets, manuals, and moral support. 

Photos courtesy of chapter members

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution